ST-2 Multi-Stage trim not only eliminates cavitation damage, but it often prevents cavitation from occurring altogether. By reducing pressure through a series of restrictive channels and expansion areas, it prevents vapor bubbles from forming and minimizes hydrodynamic noise. The ST-2 Multi-Stage cartridge consists of concentric cylinders of drilled holes and grooved channels; the expansion and contraction of the fluid from channels through holes and back into channels create a series of pressure drops that eliminate cavitation in most applications, and reduces cavitation damage others.

Technical Specification

Type: ST-2 Multi Stage Trim for Cavitation
Base Valve: Optimux OpGL Globe or Angle Body
Size Range: 1” to 32”
CV Range: 6 to 720
Flow Direction: Flow Over
Pressure Stages: 2 to 6
Features: • Tolerates Sigma as low as 1.001
• Eliminates mild to moderate cavitation
• Controls effects of heavy cavitation
• Custom-engineered for optimization and characterization of flow according to application requirements – including dirty service

For complete valve specifications and information, please download the Trimteck® Severe Service Brochure